Kolega dr. A. Brodnik je sovoditelj delovne skupine v okviru konference ITISCE 2022 (ene od vodilnih konferenc s področja računalniškega izobraževanja). V okviru delovne skupine poskušajo postaviti okvir, ki bi bil v pomoč vsem učiteljem pri predstavljanju učencem in dijakom to, kaj računalniški program sploh je in kako poteka postopek sestavljanja programov. Do sedaj so pripravili naslednji dokument: https://bit.ly/NoPWG5, glede katerega bi sedaj radi zbrali čim več mnenj potencialnih uporabnikov, torej vseh, ki se na tak ali drugačen način ukvarjajo s poučevanjem računalništva,
Menim, da ste zelo primerna "publika" in zato vas vabim, da res VSI preberete delovno gradivo in izpolnite (ustrezno "kritično", s pripombami ;-) ) (anonimni) vprašalnik, ki je na voljo na
Veseli bi bil tudi, če bi mi po e-pošti (Matija.Lokar@fmf.uni-lj.si) poslali še obvestilo, če ste to storili glede na tole pobudo!
Tukaj je še "uradni poziv" (v angleščini):
Dear Colleague,
We would like to request your assistance with some research that Working
Group 5 are conducting as part of ITiCSE 2022
Our research is examining the "Nature of Programs" and our goal is to
come up with a framework that will be helpful for educators. We
concentrate on two aspects:
- Different facets of what a program is; and
- The process of making programs.
The current version of our work can be found at https://bit.ly/NoPWG5.
We seek your assistance as an educator and/or person who is
knowledgeable in computing, to provide us with feedback regarding the
two aspects mentioned above. We have created a survey to capture your
We want to assure you that responses to this survey will remain
anonymous. The purpose of seeking feedback is to assist the Working
Group to revise and improve the document "The Nature of Programs". By
providing feedback through the survey, you are providing consent that
answers can be analyzed and used by the members of WG5 at ITiCSE 2022 to
revise and improve The Nature of Programs document. The final document
will be published as a report by ACM.
If you require further information about this project, please contact
Professor Andrej Brodnik from University of Primorska (Slovenia) -
andrej.brodnik@upr.si .
We thank you for your time and consideration of our request.
Violetta Lonati & Andy Brodnik (WG5 Leaders)
Violetta Lonati, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Andrej Brodnik, University of Primorska, Slovenia